After they spent a couple of days in Boston, we picked them up in the big red minivan and drove them out into the country. It was a beautiful day and to really get them in the spirit the first thing we did was hike in the woods down the street. Even though we didn't take pictures of it we did manage to find the creek Grandpa Beach found on his visit. I swear ;).
Noah enjoyed collecting pine cones and trying to stuff them into his pocket.
Friday and Saturday we gave them the New England tour, or rather we went to swimming lessons, walked around Amherst and then took them to Costco! Costco was hands down the most exotic experience for the Swedes.
Easter Sunday after getting VIP seats at our church (it was so packed we got to sit right up front behind the choir), we came home to an Easter egg hunt.
It was so cold. Check out mamma Anna out for a couple of minutes in between easter dinner preparations. This can only mean one thing, serious help in the kitchen. Thanks Rebecca!
Who cares about the plastic eggs. Check out this leaf that I found!!!
Wait, where the heck is Theo going? Ok mamma Anna is apparently not on the scene any longer.
After the easter egg hunt we combined traditions and both wrote rhymes on our eggs and painted them. All of the rhymes were in Swedish so I won't bother writing them here, but let me tell you, we were all four of us creative geniuses.
So if any more of our swedish friends get inspired and want to take the trip over to New England, we would be happy to have you. Just ask Rebecca and Tobias, I think they had a good time. We will even show you Costco!
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