I have moved. Check out my new blog. Stop by, drop a line, encourage me to stick with it this time.
lördag 13 februari 2010
tisdag 14 april 2009
Easter weekend
We had a wonderful long easter weekend in the company of our good friends from Sweden, Rebecca and Tobias.
After they spent a couple of days in Boston, we picked them up in the big red minivan and drove them out into the country. It was a beautiful day and to really get them in the spirit the first thing we did was hike in the woods down the street. Even though we didn't take pictures of it we did manage to find the creek Grandpa Beach found on his visit. I swear ;).

Noah enjoyed collecting pine cones and trying to stuff them into his pocket.

Friday and Saturday we gave them the New England tour, or rather we went to swimming lessons, walked around Amherst and then took them to Costco! Costco was hands down the most exotic experience for the Swedes.
Easter Sunday after getting VIP seats at our church (it was so packed we got to sit right up front behind the choir), we came home to an Easter egg hunt.
It was so cold. Check out mamma Anna out for a couple of minutes in between easter dinner preparations. This can only mean one thing, serious help in the kitchen. Thanks Rebecca!

Who cares about the plastic eggs. Check out this leaf that I found!!!

Wait, where the heck is Theo going? Ok mamma Anna is apparently not on the scene any longer.

After the easter egg hunt we combined traditions and both wrote rhymes on our eggs and painted them. All of the rhymes were in Swedish so I won't bother writing them here, but let me tell you, we were all four of us creative geniuses.

The next day was gorgeous and we decided to explore our back yard. Apparently over the hill is a beautiful piece of property that is not used for anything. The creek runs right through. I see several picnic opportunities for me and the boys as the weather warms up.

Don't even ask.
So if any more of our swedish friends get inspired and want to take the trip over to New England, we would be happy to have you. Just ask Rebecca and Tobias, I think they had a good time. We will even show you Costco!
After they spent a couple of days in Boston, we picked them up in the big red minivan and drove them out into the country. It was a beautiful day and to really get them in the spirit the first thing we did was hike in the woods down the street. Even though we didn't take pictures of it we did manage to find the creek Grandpa Beach found on his visit. I swear ;).
Noah enjoyed collecting pine cones and trying to stuff them into his pocket.
Friday and Saturday we gave them the New England tour, or rather we went to swimming lessons, walked around Amherst and then took them to Costco! Costco was hands down the most exotic experience for the Swedes.
Easter Sunday after getting VIP seats at our church (it was so packed we got to sit right up front behind the choir), we came home to an Easter egg hunt.
It was so cold. Check out mamma Anna out for a couple of minutes in between easter dinner preparations. This can only mean one thing, serious help in the kitchen. Thanks Rebecca!
Who cares about the plastic eggs. Check out this leaf that I found!!!
Wait, where the heck is Theo going? Ok mamma Anna is apparently not on the scene any longer.
After the easter egg hunt we combined traditions and both wrote rhymes on our eggs and painted them. All of the rhymes were in Swedish so I won't bother writing them here, but let me tell you, we were all four of us creative geniuses.
So if any more of our swedish friends get inspired and want to take the trip over to New England, we would be happy to have you. Just ask Rebecca and Tobias, I think they had a good time. We will even show you Costco!
lördag 4 april 2009
Lots of Photos
So, Grandpa and Grandma Beach came and visited us for a week during Jensen's 30th birthday. That's right, Jensen is finally 30! I have been waiting for a long time for this, well four and a half years to be exact.
Anyway, they were here and we had a wonderful time. And they took lots of great photos of the boys. So since my last post was content high I figured I would just post their pictures and you can just sit back and enjoy. Ok, well, since it is me, it might be hard to refrain from a few comments here and there.
At home, Theo practicing his walking skills. He seems pretty proud of himself, don't ya think...

Noah and his buddies, Eva and Elias

This apparently is just down the road from us. Who knew?!? Way to go grandpa Beach!

Here is the old man himself! Can't you just see how old the guy has become. Jeez, 30! Ancient. (Oh and Noah is not shying away from the camera, he is completely asleep. I think he slept for 3 hours during which he was carried up and down stairs and the rest of us, including Theo, ate a huge lunch at a super busy and loud establishment.)

On a boat in the Boston harbor:

We spent our last day in Boston visiting Noah's favorite museum, The Children's Museum. It is a super cool place with lots of fun activities for both children and adults.

Thanks for a great visit!
Anyway, they were here and we had a wonderful time. And they took lots of great photos of the boys. So since my last post was content high I figured I would just post their pictures and you can just sit back and enjoy. Ok, well, since it is me, it might be hard to refrain from a few comments here and there.
At home, Theo practicing his walking skills. He seems pretty proud of himself, don't ya think...
Noah and his buddies, Eva and Elias
This apparently is just down the road from us. Who knew?!? Way to go grandpa Beach!
Here is the old man himself! Can't you just see how old the guy has become. Jeez, 30! Ancient. (Oh and Noah is not shying away from the camera, he is completely asleep. I think he slept for 3 hours during which he was carried up and down stairs and the rest of us, including Theo, ate a huge lunch at a super busy and loud establishment.)
On a boat in the Boston harbor:
We spent our last day in Boston visiting Noah's favorite museum, The Children's Museum. It is a super cool place with lots of fun activities for both children and adults.
Thanks for a great visit!
lördag 28 mars 2009
The frogs are croaking...
in the woods behind us and that apparently means only one thing here in Massachusetts: Spring has finally arrived. And it sure has. The sun is shining, there is a warmth in the air and the kids have replaced mittens and beanies with caps and sunglasses and sometimes even umbrellas.

The kids have been out exploring their backyard after the wintery wonderland has melted away. And look what they discovered:

- taken by Noah, March 25, 2009

- taken by Eva, March 25, 2009
Krokuses. Yay! there is no turning back now. And from what I've heard the weather is like back in Stockholm, I am pretty happy to be here. Hopefully we don't have a nasty snowstorm waiting around the corner to put a damper on our spring. But as i write the frogs croak happily away and well I am putting my trust in them.
What we have been up to:
Theo is completely into cars, trucks, anything with wheels. He pushes, he pulls, he hammers, whatever he does with them, he loves them. He is actually a lot more into toys in general then I remember noah ever being. Probably because with big brother around the amount of toys is more than twice whatever Noah grew up with. Theo is also working very hard on standing up and taking those first tentative steps. Whenever he gets a chance he pulls himself up and locks his knees. Sometimes he gets stuck and cries out frustrated before he goes toppling over. He is a furniture mover. Any chair, cart, easel that allows for movement will be slowly pushed or tugged over to another part of the room. He loves crawling under things. So more often or not I will hear a cry, run into the kitchen and find theo tangled into a chair, one leg over the lower cross support, one leg under. Head butted up against the seat of the chair and arms sort of bracing his weight somehow. I untangle him from the chair and before i have even put him down his little legs are moving just rearing to get in under that chair again. What he wants to accomplish exactly is completely beyond me.

He is our little social butterfly. He loves people. No matter how crabby he is, as soon as our neighbor April comes over, he shines up and puts on his best behaviour. Though this is a blessing, it is sometimes frustrating as nobody ever gives me the least amount of sympathy if he and i are having a bad day. All i get is "theo? No! He is so sweet. He is like the nicest baby I have ever met!" Argh!

Noah is our big boy. He is now a real bonafide little boy. He is completely enthralled with dinosaurs. He loves reading books about dinosaurs and talk about dinosaurs, where they might live, what they eat, how and why did they become extinct. He also plays dinosaurs with Theo, which is pretty funny to watch. Theo is either a t rex hunting noah or it is vice versa. Theo just sits in the middle of the floor bouncing up and down with a goofy smile on his face while noah is either running towards him or from him, making argh or help help noises. Great to see the boys enjoying each other, each in his own way.

Speaking of roleplaying, this is all that noah does now. If we watch a movie about penguins and a seal happens to hunt one (we were watching March of the Penguins on one of our sick days) noah is a seal hunting penguins for the next week. The next movie we watch might be a japanese anime movie with giant cat that is a bus and now we can't do anything without noah asking if we want to ride on his back as he is a cat-bus. It is truly wonderful to be part of this great imaginary world that blooms up wherever we may be.
He is also hard at work learning his letters and his numbers. He loves using his etcha-sketch to write his T's and O's. Which he has pretty much down. He also practices drawing a eights, which is two circles somewhere in the vicinity of each other. I of course am so proud of him.

Jensen is busy at school. Working, doing workshops and independent studies. He has met a lot of great people, both poets and fiction writers. When at home he is usually holed up in his office, typing away. I am really proud of him, his ambition and his discipline. I know it can't be easy get anything done hearing us down stairs having both good days and bad days. His work seems to be really appreciated by both his peers and his professors which is very encouraging.
I am whole heartedly enjoying this new phase of our life. I have now mastered the sourdough starter and starting to become curious about how to go about making your own buttermilk, filmjölk, ricotta, mozarella. We will see which of these crafts come into fruition. Well I am definetly going to try and make buttermilk and filmjölk. Especially as now it seems as though Theo does not have the same aversion to dairy as Noah does.
By the way, theo is my little eater. He LOVES everything I make. Ahhh, the 12 month old and their appetites. Poor Noah, he just doesn't stand a chance. Of course he is still going through the preschool age fobia of food. One day he loves fish sticks the next hates it. He likes mammas bacon but not pappas (there is absolutely no difference, but shhh don't tell him that). Desperately trying to avoid the pitfalls of becoming a short order cook, I am trying not to worry, but of course it is hard. If he only wasn't so slender to begin with.

- taken by Noah
Well that is our update for now. I will be posting again soon with photos from Grandma and Grandpa Beach's recent visit.
The kids have been out exploring their backyard after the wintery wonderland has melted away. And look what they discovered:
- taken by Noah, March 25, 2009
- taken by Eva, March 25, 2009
Krokuses. Yay! there is no turning back now. And from what I've heard the weather is like back in Stockholm, I am pretty happy to be here. Hopefully we don't have a nasty snowstorm waiting around the corner to put a damper on our spring. But as i write the frogs croak happily away and well I am putting my trust in them.
What we have been up to:
Theo is completely into cars, trucks, anything with wheels. He pushes, he pulls, he hammers, whatever he does with them, he loves them. He is actually a lot more into toys in general then I remember noah ever being. Probably because with big brother around the amount of toys is more than twice whatever Noah grew up with. Theo is also working very hard on standing up and taking those first tentative steps. Whenever he gets a chance he pulls himself up and locks his knees. Sometimes he gets stuck and cries out frustrated before he goes toppling over. He is a furniture mover. Any chair, cart, easel that allows for movement will be slowly pushed or tugged over to another part of the room. He loves crawling under things. So more often or not I will hear a cry, run into the kitchen and find theo tangled into a chair, one leg over the lower cross support, one leg under. Head butted up against the seat of the chair and arms sort of bracing his weight somehow. I untangle him from the chair and before i have even put him down his little legs are moving just rearing to get in under that chair again. What he wants to accomplish exactly is completely beyond me.
He is our little social butterfly. He loves people. No matter how crabby he is, as soon as our neighbor April comes over, he shines up and puts on his best behaviour. Though this is a blessing, it is sometimes frustrating as nobody ever gives me the least amount of sympathy if he and i are having a bad day. All i get is "theo? No! He is so sweet. He is like the nicest baby I have ever met!" Argh!
Noah is our big boy. He is now a real bonafide little boy. He is completely enthralled with dinosaurs. He loves reading books about dinosaurs and talk about dinosaurs, where they might live, what they eat, how and why did they become extinct. He also plays dinosaurs with Theo, which is pretty funny to watch. Theo is either a t rex hunting noah or it is vice versa. Theo just sits in the middle of the floor bouncing up and down with a goofy smile on his face while noah is either running towards him or from him, making argh or help help noises. Great to see the boys enjoying each other, each in his own way.
Speaking of roleplaying, this is all that noah does now. If we watch a movie about penguins and a seal happens to hunt one (we were watching March of the Penguins on one of our sick days) noah is a seal hunting penguins for the next week. The next movie we watch might be a japanese anime movie with giant cat that is a bus and now we can't do anything without noah asking if we want to ride on his back as he is a cat-bus. It is truly wonderful to be part of this great imaginary world that blooms up wherever we may be.
He is also hard at work learning his letters and his numbers. He loves using his etcha-sketch to write his T's and O's. Which he has pretty much down. He also practices drawing a eights, which is two circles somewhere in the vicinity of each other. I of course am so proud of him.
Jensen is busy at school. Working, doing workshops and independent studies. He has met a lot of great people, both poets and fiction writers. When at home he is usually holed up in his office, typing away. I am really proud of him, his ambition and his discipline. I know it can't be easy get anything done hearing us down stairs having both good days and bad days. His work seems to be really appreciated by both his peers and his professors which is very encouraging.
I am whole heartedly enjoying this new phase of our life. I have now mastered the sourdough starter and starting to become curious about how to go about making your own buttermilk, filmjölk, ricotta, mozarella. We will see which of these crafts come into fruition. Well I am definetly going to try and make buttermilk and filmjölk. Especially as now it seems as though Theo does not have the same aversion to dairy as Noah does.
By the way, theo is my little eater. He LOVES everything I make. Ahhh, the 12 month old and their appetites. Poor Noah, he just doesn't stand a chance. Of course he is still going through the preschool age fobia of food. One day he loves fish sticks the next hates it. He likes mammas bacon but not pappas (there is absolutely no difference, but shhh don't tell him that). Desperately trying to avoid the pitfalls of becoming a short order cook, I am trying not to worry, but of course it is hard. If he only wasn't so slender to begin with.
- taken by Noah
Well that is our update for now. I will be posting again soon with photos from Grandma and Grandpa Beach's recent visit.
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