It all began at 6:30. Well, I was up at 6 and took a brisk walk but Noah and Theo woke up at 6:30 and the day officially began.
First breakfast, Tuesday is pancake day. I also had some vanilla yogurt from last week, so Noah and I made blueberry/banana smoothies. Noah thought they were ok, perhaps a little too sour for him, I'll add honey next time. Jensen and I thought they were pretty yummy. Theo ate his first pancake, which he enjoyed very much. He really loves to eat the same food we are eating and gets very frustrated when his looks different.
8:00 - everybody upstairs to get ready. Gate in place, theo doesn't crawl yet, he is doing some weird inchworm thing, which is very cute. He doesn't move super fast but we don't want to risk it. Before we know it he will be jamming and our staircase is pretty steep. So gate in place, trying not to wake jensen, i'm getting theo, noah and oh yeah myself cleaned, dressed and presentable. Noah is pretty much bouncing on the bed asking Jensen for this and that, telling him about the gate, theo, smoothies and pancakes.
9:00 the three of us come downstairs. Time to get ready for the family center. At 9:30 we are in our snow gear and the car is warmed up and ready to go.
9:45-12:15 we are at the family center. A really cute place that has lots of toys for the boys, other children to play with and most importantly other moms for me to socialize with. After playing with trains, cars, doing a valentines craft and reading stories we are ready to go home.
12:30 We get home. Jensen is working from home today so we all get to have lunch together. Fishsticks and rice for Noah. Sandwiches for jensen and I. Theo had some rice and carrots. He wasn't pleased.
1:30 I take Theo up for a nap. Jensen goes back to work after starting the Curious George DVD (Noahs new favorite) for Noah.
2pm - 5 pm Theo is asleep, so I have two hours to clean. I get the kitchen cleaned after lunch. Throw chicken in the slowcooker for chicken tacos. Vacuum the downstairs and do some laundry. Iron while watching swedish news on the internet. Gotta love SVT. And it is nice to be reminded that in Sweden, it is newsworthy when an old lady gets left by the swedish senior shuttle service on a very icy road.
Noah gets his afternoon snack. Theo wakes up at 3:20, since I am right in the middle of working, the babycarrier comes in handy and he sits on my back while I finish up. Ok so looking back I am wondering how come this took 3 hours Oh yeah I was entertaining my 3.5 year old at the same time. Answering questions, explaining how the world works, etc.
4-5:30 Noah goes out to play in the snow. Jensen finishes working and comes downstairs to help out with theo.
5-6:30 Make dinner, spanish rice, flour tortillas, sauteed onions and bell peppers for tacos. I also prep pizza dough for family movie night on fridays (fredagsmys).
6:30 We all sit down for dinner. It was a late one today.
7:15 Dinner is finished. Jensen takes theo up for a bath. I get started on the kitchen again.
7:30 I go upstairs and put theo down. Noahs turn for a bath and once Theo is nursed, read to and put to bed I go downstairs to finish the kitchen. I prep bread dough to rise in the fridge overnight (we are seriously cutting costs wherever we can).
Noah helped me bake the bread the next day:
8:30 Hang up the last load of laundry to dry. Put away clothes. Both boys are sleeping soundly
8:45 My day is done! I lay on the couch for five minutes and then realize I should update my blog.
Don't ever remember logging 14 hour days for my other jobs. But what i really want to know is how did I manage to do this AND work at the same time!